June 26, 2010

best feeling ever

I love you all.

For my friends -
Who know how to make me feel exactly the same.

June 22, 2010

don't ask why

Sometimes the most mundane words, as banal as they are,
are all that's needed to express a feeling.

Another turning point;
a fork stuck in the road.

Time grabs you by the wrist;
directs you where to go.

So make the best of this test
and don't ask why.

It's not a question
but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.

June 16, 2010


They are the texture of life,
Keeping nothing plain, nothing smooth, nothing simple.
The ups and downs of every passing day,
of every period.
They make sure you'll get the respect you deserve,
or get ignored completely.

The intensity of life in the past year,
has most definitely added some new wrinkles,
to the written book of my life.

June 4, 2010

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